Monday, February 26, 2018

Benjamin is 10! Jud is 5! Let's buy BEDS in Burundi!!!

Dear friends, Each year we have been so blessed as a family to be part of an amazing ministry far away in Burundi, Africa. Our friend, Dr. Alyssa Pfister, serves as both a missionary and Professor of Pediatrics at Kibuye Hope Hospital in Burundi. Even though Alyssa is far away in Africa, she is still a member of our church, Red Mountain Church (PCA), as well as a member of our small Community Group. We are privileged to pray for her and support her in her amazing work in Burundi.

Each year between our two NICU boys' birthdays: Jud (Feb. 24th) and Benjamin (March 27th) we commit time to raising awareness and money to help Alyssa in her ministry. We believe in Alyssa's ministry in Burundi and in her ability to both spiritually and professionally train up physicians to serve their own Burundian people for generations to come.

Through the past donations of friends, family and members of  Red Mountain Church we have raised money to help build a small NICU that is now named after Jud and Benjamin. We were also able to provide hand sanitizer to the entire hospital for a year and then last year we were able to provide much needed infant formula to the NICU.

This year we are excited to focus our fundraising efforts on "buying beds" in the new Pediatric Malnutrition Ward that is under construction. This 30-bed unit will care for the needs of those children who have been hungry for so long their health is failing. Burundi is a country in the poorest area of Africa with some of the highest malnutrition rates and highest rates of hunger in the world.

When they finalized construction costs for this 30-bed unit and then estimated the patients it can effectively serve in the space allowed it comes to $3,450 per bed construction cost. The reality is that these 30 beds will serve hundreds of children each year. This inpatient facility will offer a place of healing and hope for the most severely malnourished Burundian children and their families.

We started off this year's project with Benjamin's class painting watercolor artwork that we are sending to help decorate the walls of the Malnutritian Ward. I've attached some pictures below of their time painting.

Please join us in praying for this project and if you can, please consider giving financially to help us in our efforts. You can donate by clicking on the safe link below, or in the side bar on our blog, that goes directly to SERGE ministries which is the ministry that Dr. Pfister works through in Burundi. This is a tax-deductible donation and the money will go directly to the pediatric malnutrition ward project. Please email me ( if you have made a donation so we can both thank you and let Alyssa know to look for your donations in her SERGE giving records. Thank you for taking time to read about and pray for this project! Love, Melanie, Jerry, Barrett, Benjamin and Jud Grant